GACHA ♥ Lets Go Sweety
♥♥♥ Gacha – Lets Go Sweety ♥♥♥
– donut #D1~#D6
– candy #C1~#C5
– citrus #L1~#L4
– watermelon #W1~#W3
────────→ ☐ copy / ☑ tran / ☐ mod
💜 PRIZE [point exchange] 💜
– bento nail #N1~#N4 (for Maitreya , Legacy hands)
────────→ ☑ copy / ☐ tran / ☐ mod
⚠ touch to bag : resize : left-hand pose on/off
If u discover malfunction, we will exchanged that for a new product.
At first, plz inform us of the details. plz do NOT send a product to us dogmatically!
plz keep it carefully until contact u from us.
Jul 15th ♥ The Epiphany / mirror
✪ UPDATE Oct 1st 2K21 ✪ FATPACK SALE ✪
❥ =Zenith=Tilda Top
❥ MILOTA: Alisa shorts [light blue]
❥ =Zenith=Megan Dress (Pink)
❥ *CK* Kissable top SOFT PINK
❥ SEUL – Lax Joggers –
❥ Tres Blah – Garden Dress – Picasso